Consider tax-loss selling in your year-end planning

Before the end of the year, it is a good idea to review your investment portfolio and consider engaging in a tax-loss selling strategy....

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4 Things High-net-worth Women Should Look For In An Advisor

Historically, women haven’t been thought of as controlling significant wealth, but that trope is quickly disappearing as trillions of dollars get passed down from one generation to the next....

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Intergenerational Transfers of Family Businesses – Proposed Tax Changes

The Canadian tax legislation contains a number of anti-avoidance tax measures such as those which seek to prevent corporate ”surplus stripping,” that can create a higher tax cost on the transfer of a business to a family member versus a sale......

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8 Tips to Bulletproof Your Will

In a perfect world, your final wishes would be carried out just as you wish. In Canada, you generally have testamentary freedom, which means you are allowed to distribute your estate in the manner you choose, as stated by your Will. However, there ar...

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Is it Time to Consider a Corporate Executor for Your Will?

Where there’s a will, there’s a way. That can-do attitude can get you far in life, but when it comes to estate planning, having a Will is often only a starting point. Without a trusted and reliable executor to distribute your assets in accordance wit...

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