At Bongard Wealth Advisory, we specialize in full-service discretionary wealth management. We offer a wide variety of financial services to meet your ranging needs and provide holistic financial advice, including:



  • Financial Planning

  • Investment Management

  • Life Moments Planning

  • Risk Management Planning

  • Cross Border Services

  • Integrated Tax and Investment Planning


Additionally, through our partners at Bank of Montreal, we can help our clients with banking services such as Private Banking, Business and Commercial Banking and Trust Services.

Holistic Financial Planning


One of the most important steps in reaching your financial goals is creating a financial plan that can adapt to life's many changes and transitions. Our team works with individuals and families to create a dynamic financial plan which creates a snapshot of where you are today and where you would like to be in the future. Creating a financial plan is an important process for our team as it helps guide our investment management process to ensure you reach your goals.  Learn More

Investment Management


Our team specializes in managing our client's accounts on a discretionary and fiduciary basis as Portfolio Managers. Through discretionary portfolio management, our team can make investment decisions on your behalf. As a fiduciary, our team is obligated to always work in your best interest and have the highest duty of care to our clients. With a discretionary portfolio, you remain in control of the overall direction of your account. At the same time, our team manages the tactical asset allocation decisions and day-to-day management of the accounts. Learn More

Life Moments Planning


Our team is one of few teams in Canada that has a specially licensed Certified Financial Transitionist through the Financial Transitionist Institute in the US. This certification has given our team specialized training on how to help best our clients navigate their life transitions and create flexible plans that consider their changing priorities. Some changes are expected, whereas others are more sudden. Whether you’ve lost a spouse or inherited money, our team's specialized training can help you navigate through the "fog" and transition to a new normal.  Learn More

Risk Management Planning


One of the key considerations for any financial plan is making sure you and your family are protected from unexpected life changes. Risk management planning involves a holistic outlook, factoring in upcoming life events, estate planning and business planning.

There are many insurance considerations, and our team helps you through the financial planning process to ensure you and your family are fully protected to reach your goals. Learn More

Banking Services


With our partners at BMO Harris Private Banking, BMO Business and Commercial Banking, BMO Trust in Canada and BMO Wealth Management in the US, our team can provide holistic service for both their personal and corporate banking needs. Learn More