The other you?

By: Lawrence Ross

February 27, 2023


Ok. You’ve reframed the lottery question, you’ve taken stock of your time portfolio, and you’ve asked the hard questions about time assets and liabilities.


Now we’re going to step outside the box and ask you to consider the concept of the other you. Don’t worry. We’re not talking about one of those pseudo twins that shows up on soap operas. Hear us out.


Is there a part of you that no one knows? Perhaps you're a fantastic painter or have always wanted to learn how to play chess. This is where the lottery question gets exciting because you get to say your time is your own.


To explore this other you, make a list of three activities that you've never done that you might be good at or just enjoy. Bridge? Hiking? Pickleball? What about new kinds of travel experiences like boat cruises or food travel. Or maybe you just want to read more.


If you’re interested in fitness that’s another way to double down. Starting a new activity or sport can lead to new, memorable experiences, a new network of friends and it could very well add time back into your portfolio by improving your overall health.


Either way, you're learning something new about yourself and your body will thank you. And it’s never been easier to track goals and progress with the variety of wellness trackers available now.


Centre for Ageing Better on Unsplash


Another angle on fitness is your mental health. It’s something lots of us say we'll get to when we have the time. Whether it's starting a daily journal, dipping into some self-help reading or finding a therapist to speak to, be sure to include your mental health in your ‘other you’ goals.


What about adventure travel? If you've ever had a touch of wanderlust, why not grab a map, and make a plan. Where do you want to go? It’s a big country and a great wide world. Travelling to the four corners of the globe has never been easier. That Eurorail Pass you backpacked across Europe with back in your 20s is now called the Eurail Pass and it will take you just about anywhere you want to go across the continent. 33 countries to be exact.


Have you always wanted to go back to school? Enroll in a course in-person or online. There are master classes available online or semester-long courses through the school of your choice. This could be the beginning of a whole new you.


Once you start managing your time portfolio, time is on your side, and you get to invest and spend it with confidence and excitement. Choose one thing and become a master, choose a few, or why not try them all!

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