Our Secure Wealth ExpanderTM Process



  • We “get under the hood” to truly understand your personal and financial goals, interests and needs.

  • We ask about your previous investing history, expectations and wealth structure.



  • We provide you with a written plan, which we update regularly.

  • When you approve the plan, we begin our collaborative process to build and manage your portfolio and coordinate a team of BMO wealth planners to execute your strategies.



  • We identify shared priorities, such as creating or updating your Will, make recommendations to you and then circle back to confirm or encourage steps forward.

  • Following our Prioritized SequencerTM, we execute all the tasks you need done in the order of your priorities.

  • We act as quarterbacks to liaise with your team of professional advisors such as your accountants, lawyers, and BMO tax, estate and trust planners to save you time and trouble.

  • We remain available when you need us to jump into action.



  • We monitor your portfolio, report its performance to you with clarity on a regular basis, and stay in touch to remain informed on any changes in your circumstances or the markets.