Philanthropic Services

Strategic philanthropy and charitable giving is an extension of your personal beliefs and convictions. We can help you implement a solution that will have a long-term impact and enduring difference in your community and create a lasting family legacy.  

BMO Charitable Giving Program

Philanthropy is an important financial planning consideration for many Canadians, and an integral part of their wealth management plan. A Charitable Gift Fund ("donor advised fund"), established through the BMO Charitable Giving Program, allows you to create a flexible and customized philanthropic solution that will have a lasting impact on causes that matter to you and your family. 

Achieving your Philanthropic Goals

The BMO Charitable Giving Program is a cost-effective way to help create your charitable legacy. Through the BMO Charitable Giving Program, you can establish a donor advised fund that is administered by the Charitable Gift Funds Canada Foundation ("Gift Funds Canada"). Gift Funds Canada is an independent, non-profit charitable organization registered as a public foundation with the Canada Revenue Agency. Since 2003, Gift Funds Canada has specialized in the management and administration of donor advised funds, and is dedicated to helping Canadians increase and sustain their charitable giving to support their preferred causes.