When 6% Outperforms 9% - Presented April 2021 Comments: Showing how a portfolio that has a 6% long-term rate of return provides more cash flow than a portfolio that has a 9% long-term rate of return. Presented by Don McGugan, Portfolio Manager, Senior Investment Advisor, Senior Wealth Advisor and Financial Planner. 2 Portfolios, Same Holdings, Same Fees – $1 Million Difference, Presented in March 2021 Comments: Showing how two portfolios with the exact same holdings, same fees, same risk and same average return has a $1 million difference in value over 20 years. Presented by Don McGugan, Portfolio Manager, Senior Investment Advisor, Senior Wealth Advisor and Financial Planner. Myths of Markets – Why we don’t Follow the News to Invest, Presented in February 2021. Comments: A review of major events and how the stock market has been impacted by these events. Presented by Don McGugan, Portfolio Manager, Senior Investment Advisor, Senior Wealth Advisor and Financial Planner.
The Top 10 Mistakes made in Succession Planning, Presented in March 2024
Comments: The Top 10 mistakes I have witnessed in Succession Planning in my career at BMO Nesbitt Burns.
The Biggest Risk We Face - Interest Rates, Presented in March 2023
Comments: A review of the 2019 seminar which outlines why interest rates were most likely to head higher and my opinions on where interest rates are headed.
The Biggest Risk We Face, Presented in March 2019 Comments: I reviewed the biggest risk that I see that we will face over the next 5 to 10 years in the agriculture sector - Interest Rates Presented by Don McGugan, Certified Agricultural Farm Advisor. Trades Deals - CPTTP and NAFTA 2.0, Presented in March 2019 Comments: I reviewed the recently negotiated trade deals, the anticipated implications and opportunities for agriculture. Presented by Don McGugan, Certified Agricultural Farm Advisor. Combatting Lower Commodity Prices, Presented in March 2018 Comments: Originally presented in March 2018. Reviewed performance of recommendations made in previous seminar to combat low corn prices and recommendations for 2018. Presented by Don McGugan, Certified Agricultural Farm Advisor. Bitcoin and Cryto Currency, Presented in March 2018 Comments: What is Bitcoin? What is Cryto Currecny? A presentation on what these are, their history, how Blockchain works and some real World applications for this technology. Presented by Don McGugan, Certified Agricultural Farm Advisor. Combatting Lower Commodity Prices, Presented in March 2017 Comments: Reviewed performance of recommendations made in previous seminar to combat low corn prices and recommendations for 2017. Presented by Don McGugan, Certified Agricultural Farm Advisor. Combatting Lower Commodity Prices, Presented in March 2016 Comments: Reviewed performance of recommendations made in March 2015 to combat low corn prices and recommendations for 2016. Presented by Don McGugan, Certified Agricultural Farm Advisor. Why you might be liable for US Estate Tax, Presented in March 2015 Comments: Discussed what US estate tax is, how it works and why Canadians might be liable for it. Presented by Don McGugan, Certified Agricultural Farm Advisor. Combatting Lower Commodity Prices, Presented in March 2015 Comments: Reviewed various ways of hedging lower commodity prices and illustrates what stocks should increase in value if the price of corn falls. Presented by Don McGugan, Certified Agricultural Farm Advisor. Update on Risk Management Programs, Presented in March 2015 Comments: I reviewed changes in risk management programs, possible future changes in risk management, recent example of payouts (or lack of payouts). Farmers Dealing with Current Financial Issues, Presented in March 2014 Comments: Three clients situations are reviewed with the solution presented - one dealing with higher interest rates, one with a farm transition, one with dealing with lower commodity prices. Presented by Don McGugan, Certified Agricultural Farm Advisor. Growing Forward Two, Business Risk Management and Local Food Fund, Presented March 2014 Comments: I reviewed the Changes for the 2013 – 2017 period (Growing Forward 2) and give an overview of the changes for the 2013 Ontario RMP and Information on Local Food Fund.