Our Investment Approach

Your personal circumstances will generally dictate which of our programs you are best fit for. When providing tailored solutions for clients, it is not uncommon for us to use a combination of investment strategies to fulfill the needs of a client’s investment plan. Below is an explanation of the benefits and appropriate use for each of these approaches.

There are two unique styles of investment accounts that we offer our clients:

1. Managed Portfolio Accounts (MPA)

Discretionary management with a minimum investment of $500,000

  • No time to focus on your investments? Seeking tactical and active management of your accounts? The MPA program is your solution. It is used by families and organizations who either do not have the time or the desire to be involved in their own accounts. This is our premier account service. This low-cost, fee-based solution provides a tax efficient fee structure, along with active and in-depth trading strategies for all levels of risk. Clients receive additional written updates that pertain to the strategies and developments affecting their managed portfolios directly. This program is an excellent option for High Net Worth individuals.

2. Meridian Investment Accounts

Non-Discretionary management with a minimum investment of $300,000

  • For those who like to be directly involved in your accounts, or at a minimum prefer to be contacted when changes are happening with your money, this fee-based program may fit your investment style. With tax efficient and competitive fees, this program provides you with no-cost trades within your investment portfolio. Through regular contact and reviews, we work with you to create a portfolio that meets your goals with a cost structure that allows us to put the discussion around trade costs aside.