Paul Hamilton, FCPA, FCA, FCSI®, BBA, CIM
Senior Investment Advisor, Senior Portfolio Manager
John Gjervan, B.Comm., CPA, CA, CIM®, FCSI®
Senior Investment Associate
Scott Sutherland, BSc, CFA
Associate Portfolio Manager
Karen Lau, B.Comm., CFA
Portfolio Manager
Lynn Delahey, B.Comm., CFA
Senior Investment Associate
Peter Kaye, BA, CFA
Associate Portfolio Manager
Maggie Lui, BBA, CIM®
Senior Client Service Associate
Allison Fulton, BA, CIM®
Senior Client Service Associate
Pey-Ming Liu, BA
Senior Client Service Associate
Caroline Kho, BBA
Senior Client Service Associate
Matthew Froese
Client Service Associate
Jason Quan, M.Sc., CFA
Client Service Associate
Lisa Ma, B.Comm., CFA
Client Service Assistant
Our Partners
Sue Noorloos
Director, Estate Planning, BMO Private Wealth
Sue advises high net worth individuals and families on specialized estate and trust solutions as part of an intregrated wealth planning team. She advises clients on their complex estate planning to help them understand the different strategies that they can use to preserve family relations and maximize their wealth.
Prior to joining BMO Private Wealth, Sue gained invaluable experience at an Ontario law firm, where her practice focused on private client services including estate planning, trusts, wills and estate administration ranging from routine matters to complex multi-jursidictional estates. Sue previously worked with a large national trust company where she dealt with high net worth clients and advised them on their complex estate planning.
Phil Haines, CPA, CA
Director, Tax Planning, BMO Wealth Planning
Phil assists high net worth individuals and families in structuring their personal and corporate affairs in a tax-efficient manner. Leveraging more than a decade of experience in the tax and assurance advisory space for private companies and their owners, Phil knows that his clients care about the “big picture” and how taxation factors into that from a practical perspective. His areas of expertise include owner-manager compensation, corporate reorganizations & divestitures, business succession, estate planning, charitable giving, and other related tax planning matters.