From your Family Business to your Family Office: Your next steps.


The term Family Office is used to describe how a family organizes and structures itself when it has amassed a certain amount of personal financial wealth, perhaps as a result of the sale of a business, or having accumulated wealth outside the business. While also working seamlessly with any of your outside specialists, working with the team at Hamilton & Associates, a Multi-Family Office, will provide you and your family with a suite of services that include:

Investment Management

Financial Planning

Estate and Insurance Planning

Risk Analysis


One of our specific unique offerings is our full attention to not only the quantitative factors within your Family Office but also to your qualitative factors. This is because we know that you can have the best and strongest legal, accounting, and financial management structures in place and a family may still lose control of the financial wealth for reasons that lie within the family itself.
This is where Family Governance plays an important role. Governance refers to the decisions made that lead to the establishment of policies and structures to ensure rational economic and family welfare decisions are made that support the well-being of your family office and family members and plays a role in preparing future generation stewards of your family wealth to continue the legacy of making quality decisions.