What is One of the Biggest Mistakes Investors Make? One of the biggest mistakes made by investors is confusing volatility with risk. In finance, volatility is the degree of variation of a trading price series over time as measured by the standard deviation of logarithmic returns. In other words, volatility is the hourly, daily, monthly and yearly fluctuations in the market. Risk on the other hand, is the permanent loss of purchasing power. Volatility is primarily a risk in the short-term but actually creates opportunities for investors with long-term investment horizons. Your Wealth Advisor We're here to help your wealth flourish. Whether you prefer to be in-the-know before each trade or take a fully hands-off approach, the decision is yours. We typically manage several accounts for each client, including registered and non-registered accounts which allow us to manage an individual's total portfolio in the most tax effective manner possible. All portfolios are managed confidentially, but we are in regular contact to ensure your asset mix and desired holdings remain appropriate. The world is your oyster when it comes to investment vehicles. Some individuals prefer the potential of equities, others the safety of fixed income and a few the ease of diversification offered by managed funds. Our main objective at Faheem Allidina & Associates once all relevant information about you has been gathered, is to tailor a portfolio of financial instruments that generates capital growth, minimizes taxes and provides adequate income for your retirement. Contact us today to discuss the potential of your own personal portfolio!