Busy Professionals and Corporate Executives 

Corporate executives, doctors, lawyers and other busy professionals often have little time to devote to their personal finances.

It should be no surprise, then, that the majority of these individuals value a trustworthy advisor who can manage their financial affairs, which includes coordinating the efforts of tax, insurance, legal, and other professional specialists.

We can offer a clear understanding of what you need, based on your unique circumstances. For example, in many cases, a corporate executive’s success is closely tied to the success of his or her employer through stock options, incentive pay, and supplemental retirement plans. This may create the need for in-depth advice on investment strategy, risk and tax minimization, cash flow management, and estate planning.




As a busy professional or corporate executive, the team at RT Wealth Management, we can assist you with:

  • Comprehensive wealth management

  • Coordination of complementary professional services

  • Proactive and attentive service



How We Help 

Let’s say you’re a corporate executive who has accrued a pension benefit that is adequate to sustain most of your lifestyle expenses when you retire later this year, and that you also have almost $1.5 million in stock and options in your employer’s firm, which you must retain until retirement. Your corporate benefit plan includes life insurance equal to five times your salary, but some of your other benefits will cease upon retirement, which is a concern. You also have young grandchildren and hope to be able to assist in funding their university education.

You’ve devoted your career to your employer and now you’re really looking forward to kicking back and spending more time on yourself and your loved ones. Your biggest worry is that your pension and investments are all tied up in the company—you’ve put all of your eggs in one basket.


We would help by:

  • Introducing you to a PwC accountant to determine the most tax-efficient way to liquidate your corporate holdings.
  • Coordinating with a BMO Nesbitt Burns Portfolio Manager from the Managed Assets Group to create an investment plan that provides security as well as income to supplement your pension.
  • Working with a BMO Private Wealth Estate and Insurance Advisor to review your estate planning needs and determine an appropriate strategy to replace lost benefits coverage.
  • Setting up a family Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) to save for your grandchildren’s university costs in a tax-effective manner.


Learn more about:

Wealth Planning

Investment Solutions