We believe that the increasing complexity and volatility of the capital markets will present significant opportunities and challenges in the decade ahead, thus increasing the value of our advice.


Our proprietary Investment Models are run solely on a discretionary basis and through an ongoing blend of strategic and tactical asset allocation; we seek to develop resilient portfolios that achieve performance goals with an emphasis on wealth preservation and risk management. We periodically adjust this strategy to reflect our current views on risk and capitalize on opportunities presented by current market conditions.

Asset Allocation is the high-level mix between owning four major asset classes: Equities (CAD, US, International), Fixed Income, Alternative Investments and Cash. We employ strategies that can include:

  • Cash & Short Term T-bills, bankers’ acceptances, GICs, commercial paper, high interest savings accounts (HISA).
  • Fixed Income Corporate bonds, government bonds, mortgages, preferred shares, actively managed funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs).
  • Alternative Assets Multi-strategy, private equity and private credit, private real estate, long/short and market neutral, precious metals, structured products.
  • Canadian Equities Individual stocks, SMAs, actively managed funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs), convertible bonds, flow through LPs.
  • US & International Equities Individual stocks, SMAs, actively managed funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs).
  • Insurance-based Strategies Insured annuities, insured retirement plans


Our clients have complicated needs, and as a premier Wealth Advisory group, we are able to address complexities with specialists both within BMO and external. Our resources allow us to provide the aforementioned holistic planning service in greater detail.

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