
A strategic wealth management approach and disciplined process.


A strategic wealth management approach ensures that a customized solution is designed and applied through a disciplined process. Thus, you are guided through all the financial stages of life: building, preserving and transferring wealth. We will work with you to take stock of your current financial situation and ensure it is aligned with your overall wealth management goals.
1. Clarifying your goals
We begin by exploring your objectives, your needs and your vision through discussions with you.

  • What is important to you? (family, retirement, legacy, etc.)

  • At this stage, you must define your life goals and tell us about your questions and concerns.


This first step gives us a better picture and a clearer understanding of your current situation and, more importantly, your vision for the future.

2. Analyzing your needs and defining your vision
This step involves gathering fundamental financial information to conduct a financial analysis. Specifically:

  • We review your objectives and your current financial situation.

  • We identify and explain the opportunities and issues.

  • We assess and explain any gaps.

  • We confirm your objectives and your vision, and we set priorities.


After reviewing your current financial situation, exploring the opportunities and identifying the potential gaps, you will be able to assess the solutions that will help you achieve your goals.

3. Evaluating the available strategies
We review and assess every strategy and solution identified at the previous step.

  • We discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of each strategy.

  • Your tax, legal advisors and other specialists may need to be engaged to ensure a particular strategy is appropriate for your situation.


4. Selecting specific solutions
Once you understand the benefits and impact of each strategy, you will be in a position to make an informed decision about which solutions will best help you meet your goals.

  • At this step, we make specific recommendations and identify action items.


5. Implementing your plan
After choosing an action plan, our involvement takes the following form:

  • We will work closely with you to implement the specific strategies and action items featured in the proposed plan.

  • This may include developing an investment policy to build a foundation for your assets.

  • We will draw on the professional resources of BMO Financial Group as needed to implement your wealth management strategy.



6. Providing ongoing follow-up
This comprehensive wealth management approach allows me to make the ongoing adjustments required to keep your wealth plan closely aligned with your vision.


Let’s develop together the strategy that is right for you.
Contact me today