Our approach

A structured approach tailored to your specific needs


Over the years, I’ve developed a 7-step approach to help my clients. This approach is both structured and meticulous, yet flexible enough to adapt to your own reality. Because our financial planning services are completely personalized, our approach will take every aspect of your situation into account.


1. Meeting


The first step is to identify your personal and financial objectives. We’ll also discuss your medium and long-term expectations and the desired level of interaction between us.

2. Data collection 


We’ll analyze your current financial situation. The more accurate we can be, the better the strategy. To do so, we’ll assess your various sources of income, expenses, assets, and liabilities.

3. Tax planning and optimization 


With a detailed picture of your financial situation, we’ll be able to create a financial plan with short, medium, and long-term objectives. We’ll focus on optimizing your tax situation.

4. Developing the investment strategy


In parallel with step 3, we’ll develop a step-by-step investment strategy. An enhanced tax approach will often free additional funds for investments.

5. Presenting your financial plan


We’ll present your current financial situation and the various strategies we’ve identified to grow and consolidate your wealth.

6. Action plan


After we present the financial plan, we’ll carry out these strategies in compliance with regulations in place and by leveraging the expertise and resources available at BMO Nesbitt Burns.

7. Follow up and updates


In line with the strategy adopted and the level of interaction you would like, we will constantly be monitoring your file. We focus on long-term strategies but we can easily adjust our approach to take advantage of opportunities.
Learn more about my commitment to my clients >