Advising entrepreneurs
As an entrepreneur with extensive experience advising business owners in diverse circumstances, I can bring valuable advice and solutions to busy business owners.
You may be running a business, thinking of selling one, or you may have recently divested and need help to transition from operating a company to investing the wealth you have generated.
Invest your surplus corporate capital,
access capital,
liquidate capital from a holding company,
transfer wealth to your heirs tax-efficiently,
structure your shares or sell your company,
use insurance as a tax-wise estate planning tool,
address any other complex challenges, and
work with your accountant to structure your corporation to maximize your after-tax earnings.
To help you exit your business, we will:
Work with business succession planners, estate planners and business valuation experts to help you find a buyer or transfer the company to a family member.
Consult with legal and tax advisors to assess your business and manage your money astutely.
Help you create a reliable income stream from the proceeds of your sale.
Coach you to transition from driving forward as a business leader to moving comfortably into the next phase of life.