Portfolio Management






We manage conservative portfolios by employing a proven model that seeks to:

  • Achieve a positive rate of return

  • Earn a passive but constant stream of income from dividends and interest income

  • Stay well within the risk parameters determined by you and us

  • Preserve your capital

Discretionary and Non-Discretionary Portfolio Management Styles Available - Ask Us About Which Style is Right For You

Portfolio Management Process:

First Step: determine the right allocation of equities, fixed income and cash that will provide the level of protection and growth you require.

Second Step: determine the right geographic allocation to invest in.

Third Step: determine the right sectors and industries to invest in each geographic area.

Fourth Step: choosing the best stocks and bonds in each sector. For our equity selection we have a bias towards companies who are committed to growing their dividends. For our fixed income selection we chose issuers of investment grade credit quality.

Fifth Step: daily, rigorous and ongoing monitoring.

Other factors we consider when building and managing your portfolio include: cost, tax efficiency and liquidity needs.

The above process uses our leading industry research at BMO Nesbitt Burns.

Our clients enjoy the fact that they can visit our offices and sit down with us (as we are the managers who are making the investment decisions) to understand why they own what they own, and how each individual security in their portfolio contributes to the pursuit of their overall objectives.

We prepare a unique Quarterly Review report that will provide you with a concise snapshot of how your portfolio has performed over different time periods.

We encourage regular face to face meetings to ensure any lifestyle changes are properly reflected in the construction of our portfolios and, also, to enjoy a general market/economic discussion.

Please Contact Us Today to Visit With Us About Our Current Portfolio