BMO Nesbitt Burns Gateway® is our online client information centre. As a BMO Nesbitt Burns client you can access BMO Nesbitt Burns Gateway at no cost. With Internet connection and your Gateway password, you will automatically be able to see all of Gateway's online features. Why wait for your BMO Nesbitt Burns account statement to see how your portfolio is doing? Whether you want to see your past account transactions, obtain a stock quote on a company profiled in the evening news, or check the status of a recent trade placed in your account - BMO Nesbitt Burns Gateway is there for you.
Advantages of Gateway® In addition to offering free, 24-hour access to your portfolio information, news, quotes, and charts, Gateway provides immediate access to your Investment Advisor and enables you to:
View your portfolio holdings in a single account or in a consolidated view.
View tax adjusted average cost and unrealized gain/loss information on securities in your portfolio.
Review up to 16 months of past transactions.
View the status of trades placed in your accounts in the past 48 hours.
Obtain 20-minute delayed quotes, charts and the latest news on companies of your choice.
Review contributions made to your registered account(s) in current and previous years.
Check the foreign content percentage in your registered account(s).
Download your holdings or transaction history into applications such as Microsoft Excel.
View a customizable summary of the Canadian and U.S. values of your accounts on the Gateway home screen.
Nickname your accounts for immediate recognition and define the order in which you view them in Gateway.
Access1 BMO Nesbitt Burns' top ranked2 Canadian equity and proprietary mutual fund research, as well as independent third-party equity research published by Standard & Poor's, and much more.
For more information on how to set up your existing account(s) onto Gateway, please contact our office.
Gateway® Tour It is easier than ever to use Gateway with an interactive virtual tour and a step-by-step user guide available online. Click Gateway Tour to access the virtual tour and learn more. These online services ensure you are connected to the best information, industry knowledge and expertise. With Internet access, you automatically have access to all of our online resources from anywhere in the world twenty-four hours a day.
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