
Complications and conflict often accompany significant wealth. These can include dynamic relationships, diverse assets held across various geographies involving multiple generations. I can introduce you to Trust Officers at BMO Trust Company, who can help you take action on some of life’s most important financial matters and manage even the most challenging transitions while feeling confident and supported. 

Ask me about:

  • Living, Family and Testamentary Trust services for your family and family business
  • Attorney for Property, Executor, Trustee, or Court-Appointed Representative services
  • Agent services to provide support to individuals acting in a fiduciary capacity. 


Estate planning

We will discuss what will happen if you die without a will and the stress it would leave for your loved ones and business partners at an emotional time. Taking a little time to create or update your Will, Powers of Attorney and beneficiaries can pay off enormously in the years to come and avoid preventable problems and loss of wealth.