Working with a philanthropy specialist, I can help you to set up:

A private foundation, which is the most highly structured and personal form of long-term giving and the best suited for strategic philanthropy. I can provide assistance with all related tasks, including CRA charity returns, meeting preparations, recipient charities and tax compliance issues.

A donor advised fund through the BMO Charitable Giving Program, which lets you give back in a significant way and create a legacy. You contribute to a donor advised fund administered by the Charitable Gift Funds Canada Foundation* and managed by BMO Private Investment Counsel Inc. or BMO Nesbitt Burns. This gives you flexibility in how you manage and execute your charitable giving strategy in a cost-effective manner. You save time because you leave all the administrative responsibilities to the Program’s charitable partner, Gift Funds Canada*. You’re relieved from the responsibilities of managing, reporting and making distributions to your qualified charitable beneficiaries. 


*An independent, non-profit charitable organization and is registered as a public foundation with the Canada Revenue Agency that brings you cost-efficient and tax-maximizing benefits.