Continuous Contact: On an ongoing basis, you will receive comprehensive information from us to keep you informed and up to date with your portfolio and wealth plan. We are equipped with a committed, experienced and client focused team to ensure your needs are being met quickly and efficiently. What you can expect from us:
Pro-active meetings conducted quarterly, semi-annually, or annually, preferably face-to-face but also remotely using current technology. We set the meetings with you based on your preference.
We provide ongoing advice and co-ordinate the "financial ecosystem.” We want to ensure you are comfortable.
Our meetings include: 1. Providing a Financial Vision document that clarifies your financial goals. 2. Providing a Client Engagement Roadmap that crystallizes expectations. 3. Providing comprehensive Wealth Management solutions. 4. Leveraging a sophisticated investment process to optimize risk/return balance. 5. Delivering quick and efficient services as a team.