Institutional-style portfolio management
Risk management is the number one priority in our allocation process. As we put protection first, your portfolios are carefully constructed to withstand moments of market pressure. Our informed approach to asset allocation focuses on building investment policies designed to meet your risk/return goals.
In every step of allocating any specific asset class, we determine the precise amount of risk we are prepared to allocate to them. By keeping our risk budgets strategically balanced, we contribute an added degree of diversification, surpassing the industry standards for portfolio management.
Our team is qualified to perform discretionary investment management, which means that you can entrust us to make your investment decisions following the parameters we set together and our fiduciary duty to act in your best interests.
This frees you from stress and frees you to focus on what you do best, while we are empowered to act quickly when opportunities or risks arise. We will create an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) – a customized document that details your goals, risk tolerance, time horizon, preferences and interests. Using these unique parameters as a roadmap, we will do all the day-to-day buying, selling, research and wealth planning for you. You pay one single, asset-based fee and our interests are aligned because you and our team both benefit when your asset base grows.
Asset allocation
Understanding your upcoming cashflow requirements and other needs, we select:
Equities, which have significant appreciation and wealth-building potential
Bonds and other fixed income instruments, which can generate regular investment income
Cash, which buffers a portfolio from market volatility and serves as an insurance policy against unexpected expenses
Alternative investments, which behave unlike traditional asset classes and can be an important risk management and portfolio diversification tool
Active communication
As we pride ourselves on our strong relationships with our clients, active communication is foundational to our practice.
On an ongoing basis, you will receive comprehensive information from us to keep you informed and up to date.
You can expect detailed statements of your account, electronic access through Gateway, our online client information centre, and face-to-face reviews on a regular basis as needed.
Holistic wealth planning
BMO Private Wealth has developed a fully integrated wealth management services hub. Both in the U.S. and in Canada, we have access to:
We collaborate with these professionals to provide you with comprehensive, integrated wealth solutions. The Steinmetz Wealth office goes the extra mile to provide you with the confidence that your financial well-being is looked after. You can expect to receive tailored services specific to your needs and goals. We partner with you every step of the way.