Our Team Member, Bronwyn Scott is moving on

Bradley Goldhar - Aug 27, 2021

Thank You Bronwyn

Today marks the last day at BMO Nesbitt Burns for our team member Bronwyn Scott. She has been a key member of our group over the past 4 years and is about to embark on the next phase of her career with a software company. We will miss her and we wish her tons of success (and we are now looking for her replacement). Bronwyn is a Welsh name which literally means "White Raven". A famous Canadian businessman with Welsh roots is Sir Terrence Matthews. He founded several Ottawa-based technology companies including Mitel and Newbridge Networks. Did you know that Shopify, the largest Company in Canada by market value, has its headquartera in Ottawa? The technology company has a market value of approx. $240 billion, $50 billion more than the Royal Bank* which sits in second spot.



Change in 2021

Dividend Yield

Shopify (SHOP)



Royal Bank (RY)



Source: ThomsonOne, Values as of August 26

Have a great weekend and please stay safe,

- Brad