We build high quality investment portfolios by balancing strong return potential with risk management to stand the test of time.

Independence and Access

We build portfolios from the ground up and do not rely on off-the-shelf investment solutions.

Serving your best interest means offering an unbiased range of investment solutions, taking the time to explore new opportunities and accessing world-class research from internal and external teams from around the globe. Tailored to your specific risk profile and goals, the right choices are informed by a depth of experience, proprietary research and ongoing evaluation, designed to efficiently, and prudently manage your portfolio of capital.






Portfolio diversification is a key tenant to the risk management we employ in portfolios. We determine an appropriate asset mix based on an understanding of your key investment objectives, risk tolerance, tax considerations and after-tax returns needs.

Asset Allocation

Asset allocation is the high-level mix between owning 4 major asset classes: Equities (CAD, US, International), Fixed Income, Alternative Investments and Cash. We employ strategies that can include:

Cash & Short Term

T-bills, bankers’ acceptances, GICs, commercial paper, high interest savings accounts (HISA).

Fixed Income

Corporate bonds, government bonds, mortgages, preferred shares, actively managed funds, exchange traded funds.

Alternative Assets

Multi-strategy, private equity and private credit, private real estate, long/short and market neutral, precious metals, structured products.

Canadian Equity

Individual stocks, SMAs, actively managed funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs), convertible bonds, flow through LPs.

US & International Equity

Individual stocks, SMAs, actively managed funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs).

Insurance-based Strategies

Insured annuities, insured retirement plans.







We are committed to constructive, long-term relationships with our clients. Regular reviews, open communication, maintaining up-to-date investment portfolios, meeting with management teams and actively seeking out new opportunities are essential activities to our commitments to you.