Asset Allocation
Asset allocation is the high-level mix between owning 4 major asset classes: Equities (CAD, US, International), Fixed Income, Alternative Investments and Cash. We employ strategies that can include:
Cash & Short Term
T-bills, bankers’ acceptances, GICs, commercial paper, high interest savings accounts (HISA).
Fixed Income
Corporate bonds, government bonds, mortgages, preferred shares, actively managed funds, exchange traded funds.
Alternative Assets
Multi-strategy, private equity and private credit, private real estate, long/short and market neutral, precious metals, structured products.
Canadian Equity
Individual stocks, SMAs, actively managed funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs), convertible bonds, flow through LPs.
US & International Equity
Individual stocks, SMAs, actively managed funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs).
Insurance-based Strategies
Insured annuities, insured retirement plans.