Trust Services
Are you concerned your son may adopt a "vacation” lifestyle if he receives his inheritance all at once?
Do you have a daughter who can’t manage her own finances responsibly, or is too easily influenced by others?
Have you worked hard to accumulate your wealth and are now concerned that an outright gift of large sums might be detrimental to your children and grandchildren?
Parents often agonize over children’s lack of maturity or behaviour problems and worry that matters will only become worse once the child receives his or her inheritance.
Typically "caretaker” or "protection” trusts have been created to preserve wealth and provide financial security for such family members. Funds are parked in the trust and a gatekeeper trustee, such as a trust company, is given discretion to make distributions. Fixed distributions may also be required in stages over a period of time based on the age of the beneficiary, or the number of years since the death of the parent.