Our Philosophy
Our personal investment philosophy, as well as our approach to assisting clients begins with fully understanding each person’s wants and needs; We believe clients are best served by working with an advisor who thoroughly identifies their personal, corporate, estate, or charitable giving goals.
In our experience, the most effective approach to working with clients has been to first craft a strategy that creates a certainty they will achieve their goals. These goals include but are not limited to;
Help me understand how much I can afford to spend in retirement
How much capital will I need to save over the next few years to reach retirement?
I know I’m financially stable, but what about my children and grandchildren?
Are trusts suitable for my situation?
What is the most effective way to transition out of my business? (Sale to a 3rd party, transition to a family member, or closing down)
What tax strategies are available to me to reduce my taxes payable?
Do I need insurance solutions?
Once a client’s objectives are determined, we work with them to establish the necessary criteria to form the basis of their plan.
Our group consists of a variety of professionals who specialize in their respective fields (Investment strategists, analysts, lawyers, accountants, certified business valuators, estate, trust, and banking advisors)
Over time, we will bring the appropriate experts to you, in order to provide you with accurate, professional and timely advice that is unique to your situation.
From an investment perspective and in order to protect your savings and investments while ensuring their growth, we diversify portfolio holdings by using a variety of asset classes and high quality, thoroughly researched securities.
The initial plan becomes the basis for gauging the achievement of your goals; We meet our clients at least annually to review their financial situation and to measure each plan’s effectiveness.
It is important to note that we are always available to speak you whether in person or by phone.
Click below for some of the solutions we offer
Business owners
Professionals and Executives
Approachers of / in retirement
Estate Planning
Trust Services