Our first three business beliefs encompass this service offering. Information, contact, and accountability are fundamental to a successful client-advisor relationship. We work with our clients to manage emotions, reset expectations, and adjust for major life changes. Customized and consistent contact is the foundation of our relationships.
Ongoing Market Commentary
Customized Automated Contact
Regular Portfolio Reviews
Personalized Estate & Taxation Advice
Account Administration Services
Adjusting for Major Life Changes
Managing & Resetting Expectations
Assistance in Life Decisions
Coordination with your Key Advisors
Income Tax Support
Managing Emotions
For more information, please contact any one of our team members:
Rick Hughes: (613)562-6439 James Annis: (613)562-6431 Simon Couvrette: (613)562-6411 Sean Nikitin: (613)562-6531 Kari Van de Mosselaer: (613)562-6421
Amy Bertrand: (613)564-6104