Building and managing an investment portfolio requires careful planning, ongoing attention and sound financial expertise – combined with an intimate understanding of your goals, risk tolerance and time horizon.
The starting point to this service offering is an analysis of your cash flow needs. We customize the design of your portfolio and construct a solution that is tax effective. Our ongoing analysis and management ensures that your portfolio will attain your day-to-day needs.
Cash Flow Needs Analysis
Customized Portfolio Design
Portfolio Construction
Tax Effective Strategies
Security Analysis & Selection
Ongoing Cash Management
Active Security Management
Managed Portfolio Account (Portfolio Management)
Portfolio management means giving a professional Portfolio Manager authority to make investment decisions on your behalf. Your investment strategy is designed and managed according to your clearly-documented needs and goals. However, unlike a traditional investment account, it is not necessary for you to review and approve every single transaction. Portfolio Managers are in possession of among the highest credentials available to investment professionals. They have attained specialized certification, accumulated years of experience advising clients, and demonstrated the utmost in care and integrity with substantial assets under administration. If you choose this option, we begin the process with a custom Investment Policy Statement (IPS) which outlines the framework for your portfolio. The IPS is our agreement to build and maintain your portfolio within those agreed upon terms, entrusting our team with the specifics of portfolio construction and execution of trades. There is a second layer of oversight by BMO head office to ensure that your portfolio is always in line with your IPS guidelines. A Managed Portfolio Account (MPA) frees you from decision making as you do not need to be bothered with daily transactions and can happily live a busy life without interruption.
Meridian Account
This is a non-managed & fee-based program designed for people who see their investments as more of a partnership with us and choose to participate in the day-to-day decision-making. The management of the portfolio is in conjunction with your input as we provide advice on appropriate securities to buy or sell, but you have the final say on what goes in to your portfolio. There is a discussion prior to each transaction for those clients who prefer to be more involved.
Our detailed investment process