My focus on philanthropy

Strategic philanthropy and charitable giving are an extension of your personal beliefs and convictions. I can help you implement strategies that will have a long-term impact and enduring difference in your community and create a lasting family legacy. There are a range of options to consider, including a donor advised fund and a private foundation or even something simple like donating appreciated stocks where you obtain a tax receipt for the market value and the tax advantage of not paying for the realized capital gain.


As a Master Financial Advisor – Philanthropy (MFA-P), I specialize in helping clients articulate their values and support their favorite causes and organizations while significantly minimizing their tax burdens. When developing a will and last testament, we work together toward a lasting legacy by establishing a foundation. Most clients have strong goals to make a lasting difference in the world, so my philanthropic planning designation helps me serve their interests and my own and sets me apart, especially in the province of Quebec.


Philanthropy can support the greater good and maximize tax efficiency and estate benefits. I will run an estate plan for you to show you what it would cost your estate to make a significant donation versus paying taxes. It’s your choice: would you rather support a cause that is near and dear to your heart or pass your money to the government?


Working with a philanthropy specialist, I can help you to set up:


A private foundation, which is the most highly structured and personal form of long-term giving and the best suited for strategic philanthropy. I can provide assistance with all related tasks, including CRA charity returns, meeting preparations, recipient charities and tax compliance issues.


A donor advised fund through the BMO Charitable Giving Program, which lets you give back in a significant way and create a legacy. You contribute to a donor advised fund administered by the Charitable Gift Funds Canada Foundation*. This gives you flexibility in how you manage and execute your charitable giving strategy in a cost-effective manner. You save time because you leave all the administrative responsibilities to the Program’s charitable partner, Gift Funds Canada*. You’re relieved from the responsibilities of managing, reporting and making distributions to your qualified charitable beneficiaries.


*An independent, non-profit charitable organization and is registered as a public foundation with the Canada Revenue Agency that brings you cost-efficient and tax-maximizing benefits.