With more than 35 years in the investment industry, Karen Chalovich is experienced in developing personalized investment plans that take into account each client's goals, risk tolerance and investment time horizon. Based on analysis of the client's financial goals and current situation, an appropriate investment strategy is recommended. Each client's portfolio is continually monitored to ensure their specific needs are met.
As a BMO Nesbitt Burns Senior Investment Advisor, Karen offers timely, relevant, high quality investment advice. BMO Nesbitt Burns offers industry-leading equity research and BMO Nesbitt Burns Managed Assets Group provides access to world-class managers. She has broad experience and a solid reputation in assisting individual, corporate and institutional clients. Karen opened the BMO Nesbitt Burns Cobourg office in 1993.
Heather is Karen's Administrative Clerk & Marketing Assistant. She has 40 years of Administrative experience. Heather professionally manages our office reception, handling client calls, and booking annual reviews and appointments for Karen. She is responsible for deposits, securities, mailings, and address changes. Please notify Heather for cash withdrawals or any changes to your address or accounts. Heather also organizes client services & events and is Marketing & Advertising coordinator.
Teresa has over 25 years of sales and client services experience in the financial industry, working in the insurance, banking and investment fields at both a head office and branch office level. Teresa can assist with your Investment, GIC, RRSP, RESP, RRIF, TFSA, tax and Estate inquiries, and can also provide quotes and take orders. She has completed the Professional Financial Planning (PFP) course from the Canadian Securities Institute. Teresa handles documentation and ensures that clients receive excellent service.