How We Made a Positive Impact on One of Our Valued Clients


The Challenges:

For 20+ years, we’ve worked with a leading Toronto cardiac surgeon whose decisiveness saves lives. Like most successful doctors, he hadn’t taken the time to make key financial decisions.




Our Solutions:

To navigate this client through all his financial needs, we:

  • Collaborated with specialists and bankers across BMO Private Wealth.

  • Continuously advance his investment portfolio; give him homework on his financial priorities and follow up; and liaise with his other advisors.

  • Helped him find the right lawyers from our in-house network and trusted external contacts.

  • Guided him to create his Will and Power of Attorney (POA)

    • Our estate lawyers, trust officers, tax advisors, charitable giving experts, and experienced financial planner worked together like a top surgical team.

  • Recommended he name BMO Trust as the executor of his estate and POA for Property should he fall ill.

  • Helped him make meaningful donations while living and build a lasting Donor Advised Fund through the BMO Charitable Giving Program to honour the memory of his mother – an efficient, flexible tax planning vehicle.

  • Networked with BMO Private Wealth Commercial Bankers to help him purchase land and construct two vacation properties. He used money from his holdco, so we advised where and how his assets should be held and how he can manage the tax burden during his life and upon his death.




The Results:

This surgeon told us that we have brought him tremendous peace by helping him get his affairs in order. He feels deeply rewarded seeing his mother’s fund take shape and is well on track to achieve his semi-retirement plan. It has been a pleasure to bring this hard-working doctor the team medicine he deserves.


Reach out to see how we can help you

Navigate the complexities of your finances with confidence.

Contact us to begin a private conversation.


Email Me

Jordan Applebaum, MBA, PFP®, FCSI®

Senior Portfolio Manager,
Senior Investment and Wealth Advisor

Tel: (416) 928-0950

Fax: (416) 515-1586





BMO Private Wealth

30 St. Clair Ave. West, 15th Floor
Toronto, ON M4V 3A1

