How We Made a Positive Impact on One of Our Valued Clients


The Challenges

A single, retired woman of faith and charity in her 70s came to us:

  • Worrying that she will not be as independent as she likes in the future.

  • With no trusted confidantes.

  • Wanting astute strategies to become an effective philanthropist.

  • Wishing to honour the memory of her sister.







Solutions We Provided:

To lift the burden off this woman in a material, meaningful, positive way both personally and financially, we:

  • Left no stone unturned to simplify things, with an extra measure of empathy and compassion.

  • Arranged for BMO Trust to act as executor for her Will and POA for Property, designating her nephew to be her Power of Attorney for Personal Care, and had a lawyer, accountant, trust officer, and our national charitable giving expert weigh in on her Will.

  • Recommended that she revise her Will and worked with our estate planning team and her lawyers to improve it significantly.

  • Reviewed her tax liabilities and obligations, set up tax minimization and management strategies, and performed cash flow planning to ensure she had short-term liquid assets.

  • Set up a Donor Advised Fund through the BMO Charitable Giving Program in her sister’s name, which brought her a deep sense of comfort.

  • Curated a team of top-ranked money managers who are focused full-time on maximizing her portfolio every day, diversifying to manage risk.



The Results:

This woman now feels 100% confident in her financial future. With a new sense of financial security, she has extended her winter travels to do charitable mission work abroad full-time, knowing that her affairs are well in order.



Reach out to see how we can help you

Navigate the complexities of your finances with confidence.

Contact us to begin a private conversation.


Email Me

Jordan Applebaum, MBA, PFP®, FCSI®

Senior Portfolio Manager,
Senior Investment and Wealth Advisor

Tel: (416) 928-0950

Fax: (416) 515-1586





BMO Private Wealth

30 St. Clair Ave. West, 15th Floor
Toronto, ON M4V 3A1

