Our Planning Approach


Forward thinking & a personalized touch underpins our approach.

If you are like many Canadians, you don’t want to feel unprepared when it comes to the road ahead and the inevitable bumps of life.  We all know we should have a plan for our finances and our family’s protection - but not everyone knows where to start.

We believe in taking a holistic approach with your wealth plan and that growing and protecting your wealth is a lifelong commitment.  This includes making adjustments to your plan at the right moments but being disciplined in the process we follow – both on a day by day basis and over the longer term. It requires patience.  It also requires regular communication so that all areas of a plan - from lifelong income security in retirement - to tax and estate planning - to protecting families from risk exposures -are coordinated properly. It involves understanding what you value and who you wish to help over your lifetime.

Staying on top of investment trends and education are a key foundation of our planning strategy. History has shown that we cannot avoid change and that we live in a dynamic world. A disciplined and active approach based on time tested principals is the best way to thrive in this environment and protect what you have worked a lifetime to build. We pride ourselves in our tireless effort to stay on top of industry trends and finding the best investment opportunities.

The underpinning of our approach and making sure it works as intended is the regular communication we have with our clients. No plan can be successful unless it is executed properly. Staying in touch with you to monitor changes in your personal and financial situation is key. Our communication includes quarterly reviews with our clients and providing a comprehensive wealth plan that is monitored and adjusted on a regular basis.
The illustration below highlights the process we go through with a new client to dvelop your comprehensive plan.