Our Clients

Many of our clients originally came to us when they were going through a major life transition. Some examples include approaching retirement, dealing with a divorce or a loss, a career transition, downsizing of their home, or an estate settlement.  While many had years of investing experience, not all had addressed the importance of integrating their investment strategy with some of the other key pillars of their wealth plan.

We worked with them to develop a comprehensive wealth plan to address their unique circumstances. We created investment strategies that complemented how they planned for retirement, reduced their taxes, addressed their unique family situation, protected their estate, and helped reduced risk in areas where they had exposure.

Seeing how everything works together is instrumental in providing clarity for many of our clients and allows them to continuously be in the right position to make the best decisions for their families. Just as important, the investment strategies we design are done to best achieve the desired results of our client’s without taking any more risk than is necessary. We know that you have to sleep well at night. We also know that you have to have confidence that you have high quality investments that pay you and that your investment strategy will not be de-railed by temporary market setbacks.   


Our Ideal Clients

  1. Put a high value on working with a trusted advisor and tested process to reach their goals.

  2. Want access to a professional team that provides financial planning services, tax and estate experts, and potentially private banking services.

  3. Are nearing retirment or in retirement and want to ensure that they have their investments properly structured to provide an income that they cannot outlive.

  4. Have gone through a major transition in their life (divorce, career change, sale of a business) and want to make sure they position themselves properly

  5. Want to invest their money in a manner that is consistent with their personal views on social responsbility and environmental concerns

  6. Are willing to make an investment in their future and commit to a process

  7. Have significant investible assets: $500K minimum