
Initially our role involves partnering with clients as they cast the vision for where they see themselves in the future.  Retirement looks different for many clients.  It is at this critical stage where knowing the correct questions to ask will allow us to apply our expertise as we develop the initial wealth plan. 


After the vision has been defined, clients will often want to know if they are on track financially.  It is at this stage that we will develop an initial financial plan after analyzing the balance sheet, cash flow and income statement of the client – business and/or family. Our goal is not to simply provide a plan based on our expertise and research but also to identify risk to the client.  Once risks are identified they can be addressed with the assistance of our wealth partners.  Click here to view our expanded team .  Once the plan has been agreed upon it is implemented. 


We employ best-in-class investments for all of our clients based on their objectives and time frame for investing.  Our clients fully understand what it is they own and why we have chosen the strategy for them.   

It is during this stage that we are actively working with our partners to address risks in the plan.  Be it income tax, insurance, business succession among others we are extremely well positioned to navigate the waters with our clients and partners. 


A wealth plan is a live document.  While the baseline plan we establish for the client gives a great snapshot of the financial picture as it stands today, the need to review the plan is crucial.   

Clients objectives change.  We are successful because we are intentional with our touchpoints.  Clients can expect to have established and regular contact throughout the year and proactive communication when it is needed throughout the longer term relationship.