First, we find out what you are looking to achieve.

Examples and questions include:

  • How much do I need to save to retire?
  • How do I leave my grandchildren an inheritance without encroaching on my children’s estate?
  • Where and how do I save for my children’s education, help pay for their wedding and assist with a down payment on their first home?

Next, we discover and assess where you are now.

Examples and questions include:

  • List all of your personal and corporate assets (cash, GIC’s, investments, RRSP’s, TFSA’s, RESP’s, real estate, holding companies, family trusts, etc)
  • Describe what is most important to you?
  • Do you have a Will and Power of Attorneys?


And finally, we figure out how to get you there.

As your primary advisor, I am here to help you understand where you are now, envision where you want to be, and realize and achieve your goals.
This will include a Comprehensive Family Plan and Ongoing Work to Keep You On Track

Click here to complete a questionnaire

Click here to view how we work with you to keep you on track