Investment Services

Retirement and Financial Planning: Just thinking about the financial burden of retirement can be a major source of stress. The BMO Nesbitt Burns sophisticated financial planning software can help clarify this complex situation by assessing all the forces that will shape your retirement. These include inflation, taxes and the amount you must save to support the kind of retirement you want to live. With the benefit of this information, we can help you realistically assess all of your options and make more informed investment and lifestyle decisions.

Estate Planning and Insurance: We believe that access to a team of specialists can help with the process of meeting your wealth management objectives. To complement your investment strategy, we consult our in-house Estate & Insurance Advisors from BMO Nesbitt Burns Financial Services Inc. Many people are concerned about their financial security in retirement and preserving their estate value for their next generation. Whether your goal is estate preservation, income replacement, tax minimization or business succession planning, we can provide you with the insurance solution best suited to complement your wealth management strategy.

Education Planning (RESP): The cost of post-secondary education in Canada is high and still climbing. Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs) offer a dedicated savings approach with attractive benefits, including tax-deferral and the federal government’s Canada Education Savings Grant.

Fixed Income Strategies: Working in partnership with the Portfolio Services Group (PSG) we offer a comprehensive fixed income portfolio advisory service. This service is catered to high net worth individuals, universities, hospitals, endowment and charitable funds, as well as small business and investment funds. The PSG offers an investment alternative that is less expensive and more customized than Investment Counselors and mutual funds.