Retirement planning involves more than simply setting aside enough money to last 30 years or more.


Our team will:

  • Analyze your finances, pension plan, insurance policies, employment retirement package and the income you can expect from Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security (OAS).
  • Help you plan to generate a tax-efficient income stream from your investment portfolio.
  • Examine your family dynamics, health/ longevity expectations, lifestyle, and community commitments.
  • Review any budgeting or lifestyle changes that may be needed.
  • Liaise with BMO specialists to discuss preparing your company for sale or transfer, and the potential role it may play in your retirement lifestyle and integrate all aspects of your financial picture to simplify your retirement plan.
  • Help you create a legacy for your loved ones and chosen charities.
  • Consider setting up a family trust and/or private foundation.
  • Discuss why you are retiring, how ready you feel for this new life stage, and how you envision your retirement unfolding – where you plan to live, what you plan to do, and major expenses you anticipate, such as your grandchildren’s education or a major trip.