An estate plan is a key component of your wealth management strategy.

We will help identify planning opportunities and issues, introduce experts to advise you on strategies that suit your circumstances, and oversee the successful implementation of your estate plan. This will help you maximize the value of your estate, minimize taxes, and control the way your estate is distributed.

Your estate plan should be about more than just managing assets. It can also include strategies for preserving family values and relationships. Even the most harmonious families can undergo disputes when distributing assets within an estate. Smart planning can help to leave a lasting legacy of family harmony.


We recommend:

  • Relying on our professionals who understand the family and succession laws and income tax and investment rules and how to distribute assets as you intended.
  • Keeping your Will, Powers of Attorney, Personal Directive, and beneficiaries meticulously accurate and up to date.
  • Sharing your intentions with your beneficiaries to help manage their expectations and prevent future conflict.
  • Understanding the implications of joint ownership with children — which is sometimes used to simplify the transfer of assets on death and can lead to complications relating to estate equalization, tax implications, or exposing assets to potential creditors.
  • Considering the support of a professional executor to help to preserve impartiality and expertly navigate estate complexity. More importantly, this can help take the burden off loved ones during an emotionally difficult time.
  • To arrange trust and executor services, we can introduce you to experts at BMO Trust Company to offer the unique protection and tax-savings potential of trusts. They can also provide Will reviews and Will direction as part of your wealth plan.


Watch for our next estate planning seminar on September 27, 2023 – and invite your loved ones to become part of the conversation.



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