The Significance of Rocks and Trees
Like most brothers and sisters, we shared many experiences when we were growing up. We spent a lot of time in northern Ontario, and this developed our appreciation of the wilderness. We camped at the Taylor Statten Camps – Ahmek and Wapomeo – and canoed in Algonquin Park and the Lake Temagami area. We spent time at our family cottage in Dorset on Lake of Bays and at our father’s fishing camp in northern Quebec.
Our university studies took Sean to geology (rocks) and Pam to forestry (trees). Today, the "rocks and trees” image we use represents how we view the financial world. To us, the granite rock symbolizes the solid foundation of a portfolio and financial plan, while the tall pine represents growth.
We love the natural world, and spend much of our leisure outdoors – running, road and mountain biking, cross-country and downhill skiing, hiking, snowshoeing, hunting and fishing. The natural world has systems that guide, grow and protect it, and our science training helps us create the systems and processes we use when caring for the financial well-being of over 300 families.
We hope that you, too, share an appreciation for our natural world and that the stability and growth that "rocks and trees” represent will be reflected in your own financial lives.