Estate Information Organizer


Everyone has their own system for filing important documents and financial information and can easily access this information when needed. However, if someone else were to step into your shoes, would they know where you keep your Will, life insurance policies or your safety deposit box?

The Estate Information Organizer will help your family, Executor or Power of Attorney locate all of your important documents and the other information that will be needed to administer your estate. You can specify where documents or accounts are located and the appropriate contact person. It will be invaluable to your Executor and it will help to ensure that none of your wishes are overlooked.


For a complimentary copy of the The Estate Information Organizer, please email our team with your name and address and we will be happy to send you a copy of this valuable resource.


Our Estate Plan is Simple: More Estate, Less Tax

Although talking about death and taxes is never easy, estate planning is too important to ignore. It is an essential component of wealth management and completes the financial planning process.

BMO Nesbitt Burns has just updated and published a series of articles discussing various estate planning issues. If any of the titles below are of interest to you, please click below: