Guided Portfolios
Enjoy a highly disciplined approach to equity investing with BMO Nesbitt Burns Guided Portfolios. With Guided Portfolios, you follow the proven BMO investment strategy process that guides your decisions to buy or sell individual equities.
Key Features and Benefits of Guided Portfolios
Invest in our top-ranked stocks from various sectors of the economy
Benefit from sector weightings based on our most current investment outlook
Remove the guesswork and emotion from buying and selling individual equities
Designed to Fit Your Needs and Style
There are four Guided Portfolio styles designed to meet your needs:
U.S. Equities Guided Portfolios, consisting exclusively of top-ranked U.S. equities
Canadian Equities Guided Portfolios, consisting exclusively of top-ranked Canadian equities
North American Equities Guided Portfolios
Dividend and Income Guided Portfolio, consisting of high-yielding common equities and income trusts
Your Investment Advisor will work with you to determine the Guided Portfolios best suited for you.
A Guided Portfolio could be ideal if you:
Want to follow a highly disciplined investment approach with proven results
Want guidance with all your investment decisions, while retaining final decision-making authority