Protecting Baby Boomers from Increasing Risk
Protecting Baby Boomers from Increasing Risk
Take notice of millennials – they’re devoted, educated, and focused to succeed.
Generation Why!
Building a Lasting Wealth Legacy focuses on fundamental principles to consider, in order to prepare the next generation to manage the family wealth successfully, and it also includes a roadmap that outlines considerations to help build a lasting wealth legacy.
Building a Lasting Wealth Legacy
You’ve worked hard to build your family’s wealth; that’s why protecting it is a key priority to ensure you are prepared to meet your current and future wealth management goals and commitments. This article discusses several considerations that can help to safeguard and enhance your wealth.
Protecting Your Wealth
Like many Canadians, making the world a better place and creating a legacy aligned to your personal values, beliefs and convictions is an important wealth planning priority. Establishing a private foundation can help you achieve these priorities and give meaning and structure to your philanthropic goals. It can also help you to pass these values on to your children and grandchildren, by involving them and other family members in your giving strategy and family legacy.
Building Your Legacy Using a Private Foundation