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Tax Planning
Overview of the Proposed Changes to the Capital Gains Inclusion Rate
The 2024 Federal Budget proposed several important new measures impacting individuals and business owners, most notably the proposed increase in the capital gains inclusion rate. This article briefly outlines some key implications of this proposal for various taxpayers and offers potential planning considerations for those impacted.
Overview of the Proposed Changes to the Capital Gains Inclusion Rate
The After-Tax Advantage of Discount Bonds
The After-Tax Advantage of Discount Bonds
The After-Tax Advantage of Discount Bonds
Financial Planning
Importance of Estate Planning
You have devoted yourself to providing for your family and saving for a comfortable retirement, but have you also planned for what would happen if you were no longer around to take care of things or if you became incapacitated? While there are a number of legitimate reasons for avoiding the issue – ranging from “I don’t have time” to “it’s a difficult topic to think about” – estate planning is too important to ignore.
Importance of Estate Planning
Retirement Expense Worksheet
As you plan for your retirement, it is critical to consider your current expenses as well as your future expenses.
Retirement Expense Worksheet
2025 Wealth Planning Facts & Figures
This is a helpful resource summarizing important tax, retirement and estate planning information.
2025 Wealth Planning Facts & Figures
Investment Strategy and Economics
Investment Strategy
Strategic commentary and an overview of financial markets.
Investment Strategy
Investment Strategy: 2025 Market Outlook
BMO’s outlook on the equity markets featuring Brian Belski, Chief Investment Strategist, to help you prepare for the coming year.
Investment Strategy: 2025 Market Outlook
Rates Scenario
Rates Scenario, covering currencies and markets outside of the U.S. and Canada.
Rates Scenario
Focus is the flagship publication of the BMO Economics team. This weekly publication covers major economic developments, provides updated forecasts, looks ahead to the key events of the upcoming week, and provides detailed insights into key economic issues.
Charitable Giving