BMO Financial Group Portal to BMO Financial Group's suite of financial services.
Globe Investor The Globe's award-winning source for investment tools and insight.
SEDAR Database of company filings for Canadian public companies.
Canada Revenue Agency
Mint.Com - Personal Financial Planning Tool Free financial information aggregator - a wonderful tool
Quicken An excellent Canadian Financial Planning web site. Everything from timely articles to stock quotes.
The Economist Global political and business agenda and current thought leadership.
Wall Street Journal Online
Bigcharts For charting of Canadian and US stocks, company profiles and analysts summaries - this is the place to go.
Bloomberg News One of the better news and information sites for global and international company news.
Parksville / Qualicum Beach News Local newspaper including: news, sports, lifestyles & classifieds
Canoe ALL CANADIAN resource site - from news and weather to sports and stocks.
Fairwinds Golf Club A 6200 yard, 18 hole par 71 course in Nanoose Bay.
PGA Golf News, Stats, & happenings.
BC Flyfishing Resources For the die hard angler/ess.
Mind Over Mountain The extreme way to experience some of our Island's stunningly rugged terrain
UBC Thunderbirds
Rotary Club of Parksville Includes details on the activities and events of Rotary Club of Parksville
Parksville & District Chamber of Commerce Organization devoted to the betterment of local businesses and industry.
Rotary Club of Qualicum Beach Sunrise Includes details on the activities and events of Rotary Club of Qualicum Beach
City of Parksville Photo gallery, city map, community profile, statistics, and calendar of events.
Parksville Beach Festival Home of the Canadian Open Sand Sculpting Competition
Vancouver Island Opera The Vancouver Island Opera promotes the appreciation, study and performance of opera throughout the Mid-Island communities.
Beth Marie Anderson's Music Mecca Click to hear more about Nashville recording artist Beth Anderson.
Soul of Money Link to Lynn Twist's resources to assist with the redefinition of relationship with money
Canadian Parents for French BC Yukon Branch Regional Branch of this National Organization which promotes a bilingual eaducation opportunity for all those who call Canada home