What Is Your Advisor Doing?


Would you be able to answer quickly if one of your friends asked that question?

When I tell people that I am an Investment Advisor, I am usually asked one of these two questions : What will the stock markets do? What are the best investments right now?

My honest answer does not really seem to satisfy them. To the first question, I answer that, in the short term, I do not know for sure what the stock market will do any more than the so-called experts on TV who loudly proclaim what will happen. In the medium and long term, I believe the markets will roughly do what they have always done. They will give long term returns that are fairly close to their historical averages. 

To the second question, I answer that the best investment for you is the one that will bring you closest to your financial goals and is, above all, appropriate for your investor's profile. It is virtually impossible to answer this question if the advisor does not know in details the financial situation and financial goals of the client.

With the help of my team and other financial professionals, we have attempted to create a non-exhaustive list of the services that are offered to our clients. I invite you to send us your comments and share this list with your friends if the question is ever asked to you.

Retirement and Estate Planning


  • Ask questions to better understand your financial goals and needs

  • Helps you take stock of your current situation

  • Helps you define your financial priorities and develop a financial strategy

  • Analyses and compares different investment alternatives

  • Prepares a retirement plan

  • Makes recommandations specifically adapted to your personal situation

  • Suggests a series of alternatives to increase income sources during your retirement years

  • Revises your current life insurance policies, makes sure they follow our recommandations

  • Plans your estate to protect your family and your assets

  • Cares for you and the protection of your investments more than anyone who doesn't share your family name


Your investment portfolio


  • Determines your investor's profile

  • Recommends an investment strategy that is appropriate to your investor's profile and your financial goals

  • Rebalances your portfolio periodically

  • Provides expert advice to keep you informed of changes in stock and bond markets

  • Constantly supervises all of your investments

  • Conducts follow-up meetings and calls to present you your portfolio's performance

  • Provides advice during difficult times in stock market. Shares with you a historical perspective to help you understand the situation

  • Identifies investment opportunities as market conditions evolve

  • Improves performance in the long term by continuously searching for the best possible balance between cost, efficiency and risk

  • Compares all mutual funds and managers to keep only those that add value in the long term

  • Recommends exchange traded funds (ETF) when they improve the portfolio or significantly reduce management fees

  • Helps consolidate all your investments and simplifies management


Tax Planning


  • Validates the average cost of your investments

  • Recommends investments offering maximum tax efficiency for non-registered portfolios (personal and corporate)

  • Year end tax planning for capital gains/losses in current and past years

  • Recommends RRSP contributions after evaluating your tax situation

  • Recommends a withdrawal plan for RRSP/RRIF according to the level of your taxable income for the year

  • Recommends the Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) as it can lead to significant tax savings

  • Works with your accountant and other legal representatives