Our investment philosophy centers on constructing portfolios that provide the opportunity to enhance investment return potential while attempting to limit the volatility of returns and preserve capital. Whether income or growth, active or passive management, our approach to portfolio construction is tailored towards your specific goals and objectives. We develop a roadmap that tells a story of where you are, your objectives, where you want to be and our plan to help get you there. Our investment goal is to help nurture positive returns for each client and minimize risk. Time is a crucial ingredient in our investment strategy. We nurture your returns over time by taking the long view – not with short-term investment. Consultative
Working with you to understand your objectives and needs
Building a road map of what your future will look like financially, discuss options to consider
Helping you organize and structure your goals
Building an investment strategy and solution specific to your needs
Recommendations on establishing an asset mix strategy to meet goals
Reports on investment performance and compliance
Wealth Management Process
A review of your current financial position
An analysis of issues that are most important to you
The setting of priorities and identifying action items
Involvement of other professionals, if needed
Ensure the integrity of your investment with ongoing monitoring
Our Monthly Focus List The strategy used for selecting equities and securities is primarily focused on four criteria:
Highly rated fundamental research from BMO Nesbitt Burns
Strong Dividend Yield
Positive technical analysis forecast
Sector has positive fundamental outlook
Our list is reviewed regularly and updated on a monthly or semi-monthly basis. Our selection of securities for clients is personal and carefully tailored based on our approach listed above. To request a copy of our current list, please contact us.