Davies & Associates

We counsel a select group of clients and their families to help them build long-lasting wealth and financial peace of mind.

Building long-term relationships


Davies & Associates has been helping clients achieve their financial goals since 1987.  Many of our client families have been with us for years and our relationships now encompass many generations fo the same family.  We are determined to re-earn this loyalty every year.

The importance of a comprehensive Financial Plan 


The cornerstone of a client's financial success is a detailed plan that outlines their current circumstances and their future goals and dreams.  The plan will then recommend what steps are needed to achieve those goals.  The creation and maintenance of a plan is empowering and enlightening. 

Keeping you informed

We are constantly in touch with our clients.  We manage each portfolio carefully, prudently and actively in accordance with each client's objectives.  We provide clear, unambiguous and unvarnished advice to our clients.