Our Clients


Our clients come from all backgrounds, with varied and colourful histories and stories.  Almost all of our clients have come to us by referral from their friends, families or trusted accountants or lawyers.


Our clients are: 

People who have worked hard and have been disicplined savers, thus accumulating substantial wealth.
Families with financial assets that need to be preserved and grown in a conservative risk-adjusted manner.

Younger investors who realize that a disciplined approach to savings, combined with a sound long-term investment strategy, will build long-term wealth and financial freedom.

Retired clients who are using their financial assets to fund a comfortable retirement.

People who are dealing with aging parents as well as raising children, with all ensuing financial challenges.

Three generations of clients within one family, since the efficient transfer of family wealth is very important to our clients.

Most clients have numerous accounts in their overall portfolio and utilize RRSPs, RRIFs, RESPs, TFSAs, personal holding companies, trusts and even charitable foundations.