Transition Planning

In today's volatile business world, abrupt changes in career path have become more common. Many Canadians are offered early retirement or termination packages due to corporate restructurings. While still trying to adjust to the personal ramifications of the situation, you are also being asked to make some important financial decisions that can significantly affect your future financial security.

Whatever your circumstances, you need someone who can show you how to select the best option while taking into account your other financial resources. Once you have the complete picture, you can then decide whether you’ll need to find another job or have the resources to go back to school, launch a second career, start your own small business or begin a leisurely retirement.

Our team has both the professional skills and analytical tools to help you make an informed decision. BMO Nesbitt Burns can analyze your various termination options and show what impact they will have on your personal financial situation.

Once you have determined how much money you will be receiving from all sources and which of the various segments will remain tax sheltered, we can help you develop a specific investment strategy.

Whether you are taking an early retirement or have been displaced by corporate restructuring, you have a lot of important decisions to make. We can help take the guesswork out of your transition planning. Together, you can chart a course that is right for you.

For more information, please contact me.