You have probably accumulated significant assets that are not immediately accessible, such as deferred compensation and restricted stock options.

For our clients who are executives or insiders of publicly traded companies we have to look at diversification strategies as well as planning for retirement to sustain your current level of lifestyle expenses.  Protecting funds in the bloodline is often paramount for our clients.  Between the time-consuming demands of your job and often complex nature of your personal financial circumstances, we understand you could use some guidance to ensure that your money is working as hard as you do.



Intensive Counsel

"I have had the pleasure of working with Christine for a number of years, through many different market turmoils. Her value to me has shown itself again and again.

Christine is clearly comfortable in making investment decisions in unsure markets, but her value to me extends far beyond investments into wealth counsel, well beyond investments. She has immersed herself in all aspects of my wealth picture, gaining a unique understanding and brought a surprising amount of new perspective and recommendations.

She thrives on healthy debate about best solutions. And it is this that I value most about our relationship. I respect her unique ability to make a smart decision and stick to it. I am comforted and unburdened knowing that these decisions are based on her deep global rolodex and enormous amounts of due diligence."

Sal Orlando
General Manager
Pipe and Piping Supplies
Port Coquitlam, BC
Client Since 2006
Testimonial Made June 2012

The opinions expressed above are those of the named client author and are in no way representative of the views of all clients. Client testimonials do not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding outcome of your investments.